Single Card LAN Setup for ICO 2.0/2.1 and AIO for Ethernet ---------------------------------------------------------- There are two methods of settings ICO up for Ethernet access to the Internet. The first is via PACKET. The second is ODI. Most ETHERNET cards are shipped with both a PACKET driver and an ODI driver. Commonly, there will be a "NOVELL" or "ODI" or "PKT" directory your diskette containing these drivers. For sake of this example, let's say you have a 3COM card. This 3COM card comes with the following drivers on the diskette: 3C5X9 <---- ODI Driver 3C5X9PD <---- Packet Driver (Note the appended 'PD') PACKET DRIVER SETUP ------------------- In order to configure ICO 2.0/2.1 for the PACKET driver, you will need to do the following: Load 3C5X9PD in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Example: AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ . . . 3C5X9PD 0x60 . . ------------ Note the fact that a SOFTWARE VECTOR is placed as a command line parameter after the packet driver. This is the vector at which other software can communicate with the card driver. Case in point - ICO. Some card drivers require more than just "0x60" to specify the software vector. Some may require "/v=0x60" etc. This is dependent upon the card driver and should be documented by the makers of the driver. Assuming the packet driver loads properly, there is nothing more to do at a DOS level. The next step involves telling Worldgroup (and more specifically ICO) what type of "Ethernet Method" you are using and what vector the driver you've loaded is at. You must specify this information in the Level 4 configuration option ETHMETH and PKTVEC. Configuration Level 4 --------------------- ETHMETH <------ must be PACKET in this example PKTVEC <------ must be "0x60" or "60" in this example ODI DRIVER SETUP ---------------- ODI requires a little more work then PACKET. You will need to load the following drivers in your AUTOEXEC.BAT: AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ . . . LSL <--- Link Support Layer (more below) 3C5X9 <--- ODI driver (specific to your card) . . ------------ The LSL.COM driver is required when loading any ODI driver. It may not come with your ETHERNET card. If it does not, download it from our Demo System (954/583-7808). It is in the DOSUP9.EXE self-extracting file in the NETUTILS Library. The other DOS file you need to make sure is set up correctly is NET.CFG. NET.CFG must reside in the same directory as LSL and 3C5X9 are located in. Here is the proper setup for the above example: NET.CFG ------- Link Support Buffers 6 1600 Link Driver 3C5X9 <- the driver name corresponds to your ODI driver Frame ETHERNET_802.3 envelope type ETHERNET_II ------- Lastly, you need to configure ETHMETH and ODIBRD in CNF Level 4: ETHMETH <---- must be set to ODI ODIBRD <---- this should be 1. *NOTE The TCP/IP stack for ICO is loaded when the WG Server is brought up (specifically the GALHPAC.DLL). No DOS level TCP/IP should be loaded. 2-Card LAN Setup for ICO 2.0/2.1 and AIO for Ethernet ----------------------------------------------------- The recommended method for setting up 2-cards in the WG Server machine is to load a PACKET driver for one card (the card that the WG Server is going to use to communicate with the router) and to load an ODI driver along with the appropriate network drivers to initialize the second card for network traffic. The best way to explain this is with an example. For sake of this example, we'll say you have an NE2000 card and a 3COM card. The 3COM card will be the one addressed by the ICO software. The NE2000 will be connected to your network. Here is an example AUTOEXEC.BAT file that shows the drivers that need to be loaded: AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ . . LSL <-- Link Support Layer NE2000 <-- ODI driver for the NE2000 card IPXODI <-- Internetworking protocol exchange driver NETX (or VLM) <-- Handles network requests 3C59XPD /I=0x60 <-- Packet driver for ICO . . ------------ You will note the fact that the PACKET driver for the 3COM card is being loaded last. This is good practice; ICO may not be able to communicate with it if loaded first. It is loading at a software vector 0x60. As noted above, when setting ICO up with a PACKET driver, the option ETHMETH in CNF Level 4 must be set to PACKET and the option PKTVEC must be set to 0x60. LSL, NE2000, IPXODI and NETX/VLM require a NET.CFG file to be initialized properly for your system. Here is a "generic" example that would work well for a V3.12 Novell Network. NET.CFG ------- Link Support Buffers 6 1600 Link Driver NE2000 Frame ETHERNET_802.3 Protocol IPXODI Bind #1 . . . ------- * A note on the "firewall" concept. If you desire to create a firewall setup on your LAN with the WG Server, simply connect the 3COM card (in this example) to the router directly or into a hub that only accesses the router and those machines that you don't need to be protected by the firewall. All machines that you need to be behind the firewall must be connected to the hub that the NE2000 card is connected to. NDIS with ICO 2.0 ----------------- Make a directory called C:\LANMAN and copy the file DIS_PKT.DOS to that directory. Edit or Create the following file with this format: C:\LANMAN\PROTOCOL.INI ----------------------- [PROTMGR] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [card_driver] DRIVERNAME = CARD_DRIVER$ IOADDRESS = '0x300' IRQ = 'x' [PKTDRV] DRIVERNAME = PKTDRV$ INTVEC=0X69 CHAINVEC=0X66 As an example for an Ethernet Express Pro Card: [PROTMGR] DRIVERNAME = PROTMAN$ [EPRO] DRIVERNAME = EPRO$ IOBADDRESS = 0X300 IRQ = 5 [PKTDRV] DRIVERNAME=EPRO$ INTVEC=0x69 CHAINVEC=0x66 In this example, the driver would be EPRO.DOS. CONFIG.SYS ---------- . . DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\PROTMAN.DOS /i:C:\LANMAN DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\DIS_PKT.DOS DEVICE=C:\LANMAN\EPRO.DOS (specific card driver) . . AUTOEXEC.BAT ------------ . C:\LANMAN\NETBIND.EXE (Initiates network drivers) . . The WG Server Configuration: In CNF Level 4, you will find the following options. Their names are: ETHMETH Ethernet interface: תתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתתת PACKET PKTVEC Packet Driver interrupt vector in hex (or AUTO): תתתתת 0x69 In the above examples, the INTVEC is set to 0x69, so this is what is specified in CNF Level 4 for option PKTVEC. The interface method is PACKET because DIS_PKT.DOS is an NDIS packet driver.